What's important in your life? What struggles are you having? What's your "hot button"? What are your pet peeves? These are all things we have to deal with in the here and now, but how important are they in the light of eternity?
We let things upset us, we worry, we fear, we get angry. But how would things look from an eternal perspective? That co-worker who got your promotion or who is making life miserable for you, that person who cut you off in traffic, that family member who is causing you grief, that addiction that plagues you .... what are they in the light of eternity?
I'm not saying that we ignore life and the challenges it brings.
We have to deal with those things. We have to pay the bills, go to work, live with our families, battle temptations. They are important, But what's more important is eternity.
The situations we deal with in the natural will one day pass away. The Bible says that everything that is temporal (earthly) is subject to change - it will change.
Eternity - the Kingdom of God - never changes. And every person is an eternal being. Each one of us will spend eternity in one of two places. We will have eternal life in heaven with Jesus, or eternal death in hell. It is our choice. Accept Jesus as your savior and you have eternal life. By not accepting Him you have made a decision for eternal death.
Eternity is a long time! The things we deal with in the here and now, even though necessary, are very small in the light of eternity.
Don't get so wrapped up in the here and now that you don't consider your eternity. Choose this day eternal life, then live that life making an eternal difference in the lives of others.