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We Are Coming Back


Thank you so much for stopping by...

Our website is down for maintenance, but you came at just the right time! There are so many new things on the horizon. God has amazing plans for all of us. Here are just a few things happening with Acts 29 Ministries.


June 1, 2024, the new website will launch. Along with a fresh new look, new videos, pictures, and teachings will be available. And a new book

Starting Point: A Discipleship Workbook

by Kay and Linus Lefever will be available to order! 


Don't worry: You can still give! Click the "Donate Now" button and follow the normal steps. If you want to be emailed when the new site becomes live, put your information in the contact form. 

You are a blessing! We can not wait to hear from you, and share the vision that God has placed on our hearts!


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Sign up to receive the first word when we go live.

Thank you. Talk to you soon!

Contact Us! 
PO Box 228
Glenwood, IA 51534


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